
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday in heaven my angel!

It has been a while since I've posted. I'm really sorry. I really wanted to post the day of Kaylen Faith's first birthday, but got caught up & forgot to do so.
The day of her Birthday: My husband's & my immediate family met up at the cemetery on her actual birthday which was Wednesday, June 26th. We brought her flowers, roses, & balloons. We sang happy Birthday & got a little teary while doing so then we sang las mananitas (Spanish Bday song).  I also took her a surprise birthday present wrapped in a box...Hmmm I wonder what it was. It was actually a big surprise not only for Kaylen, but also for the whole family. I told my mom & mother in law to open it, my mother in law Terry opened it in front of us. She picked up an ultrasound,  kept digging, and saw Kaylen's framed 4d ultrasound. She wasn't aware of the words I had written on the ultrasound (which I will post a pic of) until I told her to read it. I wrote, " Happy Birthday Kaylen you're having a little sister or bother. Coming Soon: Feb 2014". It was a great surprise for all of us!!! My husband & I were truly blessed with the great news of this new miracle right before Kaylen's birthday which actually brought us Hope & for the first time in a very long time I felt joy & happiness. We have truly been blessed & know that God sent us this baby at just the right time. I don't wanna give full details, but we did get preggers as soon as we started trying (late May) since I thought it would take longer since I have abnormal periods, but He knew when the right time was. I had Kaylen via C-Section so we had to wait a year & tah duh! We did, okay 11 months, almost a year, but that is still good!

This was on the actual day of her Bday 6/26/2013.
Surprise! Kaylen's a BIG sister! Your little sibling has the perfect role model to look up to-YOU!
Happy Birthday Kaylen! We love you so much!!! 

The weekend of her birthday: We had a beautiful Balloon Release for Kaylen's 1st Bday by her graveside. It was a wonderful experience, I wanted to do something very small just with close family members, something a little more personal, but other people showed up which I'm happy about too. I guess next year will be bigger because I will be inviting more family & friends, God willing. Whoever Kaylen impacted I guess should have the right to attend. We released 30 pink balloons (1 per family or singles) w/ a note attached to the ribbon, where I asked people to write something they learned from Kaylen or something they would like to tell Kaylen for her birthday. My mom read a verse from the bible that day & I basically just told everyone to share Kaylen's story with their family or future families & children hoping she will never be forgotten. I teared up a bit not gonna lie, it's not easy celebrating your child's birthday when they're not physically there. Oh & of course, we sang Happy Birthday to Kaylen & las mananitas (which is a Mexican bday song). It was a happy day & at the same time a little sad just because she wasn't tangibly there.
Thank you all for reading, God bless! & hang in there, God is always by your side & He will never abandon you!


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